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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Working Environment, Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction among Retailers in Klang Valley

Nurul Nabilah Nizamuddin, Daniella Mokhtar

Open access

Retail sector have been facing various challenges including employee retention, turnover and had difficulties in maintaining organizational performance which relies heavily on the job satisfaction of the employee. Job satisfaction encompasses a collection of factors that contribute to an individual’s sense of fulfillment with their work. Work environment and employee motivation are closely associated to job satisfaction of the employee. This study aimed to examine the associaton between working environment and employee motivation with overall job satisfaction among retailers in Klang Valley. Work environment was measured using the Work Environment Questionnaire (WOE). Employee motivation was measured using Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale (WEIMS). The job satisfaction were measured using Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS). These three instruments were included in the questionnaire which was then distributed to 103 respondents through purposive samping and snowball samping. Descriptive analysis reveal that work environment quality perceived by the retailers were high while the level of overall job satisfaction among retailers were moderate. The multiple regression analysis revealed that only working environment, external regulation and amotivation significantly predict job satisfaction of retailers in Klang Valley. This study is meant to benefit individual and organizations in retail sector.

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(Nizamuddin & Mokhtar, 2024)
Nizamuddin, N. N., & Mokhtar, D. (2024). Working Environment, Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction among Retailers in Klang Valley. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(1), 2155–2165.