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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring Content And Pedagogical Knowledge Using The Vak Approach For Early Math Addition

Norhaizian Seman, Nurul Khairani Ismail, Zahiroh Awang, Haslinda Md. Ali, Hafsah Jantan, Azali Jumaren

Open access

The Visual, Auditory, and kinesthetic (VAK) approach in early childhood education teaching and learning process has a significant impact on mastering mathematical concepts among preschoolers. The present paper aims to discuss the understanding of Content Knowledge (CK) and Pedagogical Knowledge (PK), specifically in early mathematics, among preschool teachers in Malaysia. Furthermore, this paper also explores how six preschool teachers transformed CK and PK while teaching additional topics by applying VAK approaches. The interview transcription was analyzed using Atlas. Ti version 8 software to evaluate and update the data and to examine the emerging themes. Based on the triangulation technique, the analysis showed that all research participants have a robust understanding of CK and PK. They can also apply VAK approaches while teaching early mathematics, especially for additional topics. This study can raise awareness of the importance of best practices in teaching early mathematics using the (VAK) approach because it is an active and fun learning process for preschoolers.

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(Seman et al., 2023)
Seman, N., Ismail, N. K., Awang, Z., Ali, H. M., Jantan, H., & Jumaren, A. (2023). Exploring Content And Pedagogical Knowledge Using The Vak Approach For Early Math Addition. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 5928-5939.