ISSN: 2222-6990
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Preschool children between the ages of three to six play a crucial role in the overall development of young individuals. This stage is marked by notable progress in physical, psychological, and intellectual development, along with the emergence and formation of emotions and personality traits. A large number of experimental studies investigated the effects of music training on preschool children's physical, cognitive and social development. In this study, we searched for previous relevant literature and used qualitative analysis to provide an in-depth analysis of how music training affects preschool children's physical and mental development. The findings demonstrate that music training has a profound impact on the physical and psychological development of preschool children, such as brain development, memory, creative problem-solving skills, auditory perception, and cognitive function. However, variations in the results were observed in different studies, and additional research is needed to determine the precise relationship between dose and effect of music training on the physical and psychological development of preschool children.
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