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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Factors Influencing the Paddy Farmers' Intention to Purchase Crop Insurance: A Study Case in Kedah

Muhammad Hishammuddin Johari, Abdul Rahman Saili, Muhamad Khairul Ahmad, Nur Hazwani Mohammad Azam

Open access

Agricultural risks in Malaysia are caused by a range of variables, including climate unpredictability and change, uncertainty in yields and pricing, an imperfect market, inaccessibility to financial services, and a lack of risk mitigation measures. Crop insurance may be a significant formal document for rural farmers in developing countries to reduce alternative risks and protect against production hazards caused by climate and weather change. This study examines the factors that influence paddy farmers' intention to purchase agriculture crop insurance in Pokok Sena, Kedah. One hundred eleven paddy farmers with farmland size under 1 hectare are selected, and a structured questionnaire is used to collect data from the respondents. The data are analysed with descriptive statistics, correlation, multiple linear regression, and ANOVA analysis. The significant variables influencing paddy farmers' intention to purchase crop insurance are knowledge, risk attitude, and social factors, with a p-value of 0.038, 0.001, and 0.001, respectively. The highest factors influencing paddy farmers' intention are social factors, with a standardised Beta of 0.569. There is no significant difference in intention between age (0.841) and income level (0.913). From the findings, it is urged to promote crop insurance in Malaysia. The government may need to implement a strategic approach to persuade farmers of the reliability of the insurance scheme, such as increasing farmers' awareness and understanding of crop insurance through advertising and training.

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(Johari et al., 2024)
Johari, M. H., Saili, A. R., Ahmad, M. K., & Azam, N. H. M. (2024). Factors Influencing the Paddy Farmers’ Intention to Purchase Crop Insurance: A Study Case in Kedah. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(1), 1-12.