ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This research aimed to predict individual work performance using work engagement and work stress among employees in Malaysia. Data was collected through an online survey distributed via social networking applications and websites. A total of 204 employees participated in the study. They were mainly Malay males aged M = 30.10 (SD = 9.30) from various sectors and work experience levels. Their levels of work engagement, work stress, and individual work performance were measured using the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9), the General Work Stress Scale (GWSS-9), and the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ-18) respectively. Descriptive analyses revealed that the participants had a moderate level of work engagement, work stress, and individual work performance. Multiple regression analysis showed that work engagement and work stress significantly predicted individual work performance among Malaysian employees, R2 = .26, F(2, 201) = 34.62, p = .001. The study highlights the importance for employers to help improve their employees’ work engagement and to effectively manage their work stress as those factors could affect the individual work performance, hence the organizations’ performance.
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