ISSN: 2222-6990
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Motivation to learn is undoubtedly pivotal to determine success in learning. It can be driven by various internal and external factors. Hence, this quantitative study aims to explore motivational factors in learning among undergraduates. The instrument used is a survey, which is adapted from Pintrinch & De Groot (1990). The survey consists of four sections, which are Demographic Profiles, Value Components, Expectancy Components and Affective Components. A total of 24 items are tested for this study with a 5-Likert scale rating ranging from 1 (Never) to 5 (Always). 132 undergraduates majoring in Business and Science & Technology fields from two universities in Malaysia completed the survey, which was administered online. Generally, the findings revealed that ESL learners’ motivation in learning ESL were derived from diverse intrinsic and external factors, with higher mean scores for external factors. The results of the study indicate interesting implications for educators in assisting learners to achieve success, as well as the learners themselves to be aware of their own motivational factors.
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