ISSN: 2222-6990
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The Malaysian cartooning industry is still young when compared to the cartooning industry in the West and Japan, but its development is still something to be proud of. Malaysia has its own identity and cartoon style even though it has had some influence from the West since before independence. The presence of several local cartoonists after independence opened a new curtain for the Malaysian cartoon industry. The appearance of Rejabhad has colored the cartoon industry with Malaysia's own identity. Rejabhad is an icon to all cartoonists in Malaysia, and he has even been appointed as the King of Cartoonists among art activists and cartoonist because of his stature, charisma and success as a cartoonist who has inspired the local cartoon world. This article will discuss the background of the Malaysian cartoon industry, the concept of leadership in brief, Rejabhad's biography and how he was appointed as the icon and king of Malaysian cartoonists.
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