ISSN: 2222-6990
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This research aimed to analyze the role of customer value and customer satisfaction as a serial mediation between the effects of electronic service quality on customer loyalty. The sampling technique used was quota sampling with a total sample of 243 respondents, while the data analysis technique used was the Structural Equation Model. The results showed that customer value and customer satisfaction have a significant effect on increasing customer loyalty; and electronic service quality does not have a significant effect on increasing customer loyalty directly, but indirectly electronic service quality has a significant effect on increasing customer loyalty through customer value and customer satisfaction. Then, customer value and customer satisfaction also act as perfect mediation between the effect of electronic service quality on customer loyalty. Thus, it can be concluded that the variables of customer value and customer satisfaction in this research act as a serial mediation between the effect of electronic service quality on customer loyalty.
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(Meitria et al., 2024)
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