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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Relationship Pattern of Husband and Wife Mualafs in Formation of A Harmonious Family

Azarudin Awang, Azman Che Mat, Muhammad Syukri Mohd Ashmir Wong

Open access

Every spouse expects the established marriage is always to be peaceful, harmonious and till the end of life. In maintaining marital harmony, mualaf often face various challenges in carrying out their role as husband or wife, especially when choosing their spouses from different ethnicities. This study aims to look at the patterns that occur in the relationship of married spouses in the community of mualaf in Malaysia to preserve their marital harmony. This descriptive study used a qualitative method by conducting interviews with 25 mualafs from five (5) zones, namely the West Coast Zone Peninsular, South, North, East Coast and East Malaysia. To strengthen the findings of the study, interviews with 5 figures who are directly involved with the affairs of mualaf in these zones were also conducted. The results of the study found that the pattern of relationship between mualaf spouses shows a relationship that has various levels of situations, namely the relationship is accommodation, mutual support, neutral, indifferent and conflict. The information from this study is to some extent able to reveal the situation and challenges faced by the community of mualaf in Malaysia to the relevant parties to be sensitive to the problems faced by this community.

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(Awang et al., 2024)
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