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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Proposed Framework of Job Resources influencing Work Engagement towards Academics of Public Universities in Beijing and Shanghai in China

Sun Mengmeng, Malini Kanjanapathy, Maisarah Mohamed Saat

Open access

Over the past, work engagement underwent a rigorous verification process in different occupational background. It is significant to study the factors influencing the employee's work engagement promoting employee's work enthusiasm and thus promoting the development of organization. Despite this, several issues remain unresolved. In addition, there is insufficient understanding of how job resources affect work engagement in the context of public university in Beijing and Shanghai, China. Therefore, this conceptual paper aims to solve it and build a framework to give a guidance for the future quantitative research. Based on the application of the JD-R model, this paper proposes a research framework of the relationship between job resources and work engagement. Suggestions for practice and future research are also presented.

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(Mengmeng & Kanjanapathy, 2024)
Mengmeng, S., & Kanjanapathy, M. M. M. S. (2024). A Proposed Framework of Job Resources influencing Work Engagement towards Academics of Public Universities in Beijing and Shanghai in China. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(1), 1113–1121.