ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Job burnout is a pervasive issue that spans all sectors, exerting profound impacts on individuals, teams, organizations, and societies. This issue is particularly significant in the manufacturing industry where the future growth hinges on the expertise and well-being of highly skilled professionals. Our research proposal aims to explore the complex dynamics of how the work environment, as perceived by these highly skilled talents in the manufacturing industry, contributes to job burnout. This paper adopts a comprehensive model that draws upon principles from the Conservation of Resource Theory, Affective Events Theory, and the Job Demands-Resources theory to test our hypotheses. A quantitative research approach will be adopted to dissect the root causes of job burnout. We will conduct a survey targeting highly skilled workers in the manufacturing industry within Weifang City. The data thus gathered will be scrutinized and validated using Smart-PLS and SPSS tests. Through the literature review and conceptual framework, this paper has certain theoretical significance for clarifying the mechanism of employee burnout influence and provides assistance for enterprises to develop targeted employee burnout intervention programs.
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