ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This study explores how digital story-telling (DST) is incorporated into ESL (English as a Second Language) schools in rural Palestine. The main object is to look at how DST activities affect ESL students' desire to study from both the teacher and the student's point of view. 35 students and seven ESL teachers participated in semistructured interviews and non-participant observations as part of a case study technique used to collect qualitative data. The results show that students thought DST activities were fascinating and fun, and they expressed a wish to participate in them again. They also acknowledged that this increased their drive to study ESL. The comments from the students and the teachers agreed on the feedback. The study also determines what influences rural instructors' choices for DST adoption and what variables affect students' interest in ESL classes. These observations are meant to assist those involved in education in meeting the particular requirements of Palestine's rural school communities.
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