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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Thematic Analysis of Interview Insights: Challenges in Halal Auditing Practices in Malaysia

Adi Rahman Abdul Aziz, Ab Razak Che Hussin

Open access

This study examines challenges faced by Halal auditors in Malaysia, focusing on their vital role in ensuring compliance with Halal standards in organisations. Using qualitative content analysis (QCA) and structured interviews, this study investigates issues including management, human factors, process complexities, and technology gaps. This research fills a critical gap by exploring the challenges internal Halal auditors encounter within their own companies, given their essential role in maintaining Halal certification integrity. Key findings highlight the absence of digital tools for managing Halal audit checklists and reports, leading to prolonged audits. Delays in checklist preparation, often due to inexperienced auditors, and time-consuming report generation were also noted. Incomplete documentation practices and a lack of structured filing systems compound these issues, affecting audit efficiency and alignment with Halal standards. To address these challenges, this study recommends implementing a digital Halal audit application to enhance efficiency, encourage accurate documentation, and maximise technology utilisation. Embracing digitalisation and tailored interventions can collectively strengthen Halal certification integrity, benefiting Muslim consumers and the industry.

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(Aziz & Hussin, 2024)
Aziz, A. R. A., & Hussin, A. R. C. (2024). Thematic Analysis of Interview Insights: Challenges in Halal Auditing Practices in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(1), 1439–1449.