ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Purpose: This study explores the transformative impact of COVID-19 on the educational landscape in Malaysia, highlighting online distance learning as the prevailing mode. The focus is on sustaining this shift through high retention and low attrition rates. The research aims to investigate how system quality, sociability quality, and self-managed learning influence student satisfaction with open and distance learning systems. Furthermore, it delves into their impact on the continuance intention to study in such environments, examining satisfaction as a mediating factor.
Research Methodology: Conducted quantitatively, data were collected from 371 respondents across three prominent open and distance learning universities in Malaysia: Open University Malaysia, Wawasan University, and Asia E-University. Screening using SPSS 18 eliminated 28 respondents, leaving 363 for analysis through PLS-SEM software version 4.0.
Findings: Results reveal positive influences of sociability quality, system quality, and self-managed learning on student satisfaction. Additionally, these factors positively contribute to the continuance intention to study in open and distance learning systems. Satisfaction emerges as a crucial mediating factor in this relationship.
Limitation: Confined to three Malaysian open and distance learning universities, the study incorporates a model with five latent variables and 25 observed variables. Each construct comprises five measurement items, including three independent variables (sociability quality, system quality, and self-management learning), one mediator (satisfaction), and one dependent variable (intention).
Implication: The findings emphasize the pivotal role of satisfaction in shaping the continuance intention to study. Facilitators and tutors should prioritize aspects like social interaction, learning system quality, and self-managed learning to enhance the learning experience and tackle high attrition and retention rates.
Value: The study contributes insights into variables influencing attrition and retention rates among open and distance learning learners. Drawing data from major Malaysian ODL universities, it provides valuable perspectives for institutions aiming to understand and improve the learning experience for ODL students.
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