ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This research looks at a variety of measures used to estimate R&D effectiveness from 2019 through 2023. This article discusses a variety of strategies for measuring R&D performance and emphasizes its diverse qualities. This study expands on previous research by investigating critical determinants for R&D performance such as innovation production, technical advancement, knowledge creation, and economic effect. Furthermore, in order to acquire a thorough grasp of R&D success, this study examines a number of quantitative and qualitative evaluation approaches. In addition, suggestions for further study are made. The evaluation is based on a thorough literature analysis that examined a broad variety of scholarly publications to discover and categories pertinent information. According to the results, evaluating R&D performance is a complicated process that requires the evaluation of various components as well as the use of a mix of quantitative and qualitative assessment methodologies. Key markers of R&D performance include patents and invention output, technical advancement, knowledge creation, and economic impacts. Organizations and governments may acquire a thorough picture of the success and efficacy of their R&D projects by combining several evaluation approaches. Overall, this study expands and summarizes previous literature research, making it a great starting point for academics interested in R&D success. Future R&D success study should concentrate on the dynamic relationship between technical innovation and organizational abilities, diving into the delicate components of producing successful outputs.
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(Chen & Indiran, 2024)
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