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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Literature Review on Purchase Intention of Battery Electric Vehicles and Consumer Innovativeness

Qi Qiu, Ai Chin Thoo, Zijuan Zhan

Open access

In recent years, battery electric vehicles has seen a sharp increase in both production and sales. Expansion of battery electric vehicles market will still be negatively impacted by range anxiety, charging anxiety, and safety anxiety. Therefore, it is important to spread knowledge about vehicles innovation and pay attention to customer innovativeness. However, just a few research have looked into how consumer innovativeness may influence consumers' market purchasing intentions. This study uses the content analysis method to analyze the articles related to the purchase intention of battery electric vehicles and consumer innovation from 2014 to 2023, determines the impact of consumer innovation on purchase intention, and finds that consumer innovation can be used as a key factor in predicting consumers' purchase intention of battery electric vehicles. The findings will aid in the government's and the automotive industry's understanding of the crucial part that consumer innovation plays in consumers' intentions to purchase battery electric vehicles. This study will also present helpful consumer-friendly insights for the market development of battery electric vehicles in order to achieve a seamless transition from fuel vehicles to electric vehicles.

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(Qiu et al., 2024)
Qiu, Q., Thoo, A. C., & Zhan, Z. (2024). Literature Review on Purchase Intention of Battery Electric Vehicles and Consumer Innovativeness. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(1), 1497–1505.