ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Understanding the factors that influence consumers' payment choices is crucial for the advancement of e-commerce and digital transactions. This research investigates the correlation between perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived credibility, and self-efficacy in shaping these decisions, shedding light on pivotal aspects of consumer behavior in the digital landscape. A comprehensive investigation was conducted with the participation of 250 Malaysians through an online questionnaire hosted on Google Forms using judgemental sampling technique. The findings underscore a significant positive relationship between perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived credibility, and self-efficacy, exerting considerable influence on the adoption of e-wallets among Malaysian consumers. The study illuminates the substantial contribution of these factors to the wider acceptance of e-payment systems and the standardization of e-commerce system architecture. By delving into consumer self-efficacy and information confidentiality, this research enriches understanding across various dimensions of e-commerce, offering valuable insights for businesses operating in the digital realm. Future research endeavors could explore additional facets of consumer behavior in the e-commerce landscape. Investigating the evolving dynamics of digital transactions, analyzing emerging payment technologies, and delving deeper into the interplay between consumer preferences and technological advancements could provide further insights into optimizing strategies for online businesses.
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