ISSN: 2222-6990
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Waqaf Jibril is one of the names of waqf that is not unfamiliar to students and lovers of the knowledge of reciting the Qur'an, some say there are 10 places and some also say 17 waqaf places called Waqaf Jibril. But its status and position in the recitation of the Quran there is a debate on the side of the Qurra', among which some suggest that prevent the practice of waqf in it. The objective of this study is to know the validity of Waqaf Jibril which is said to be waqaf sunnah. The study was conducted with a review and research on the views of the Qurra' on Waqaf Jibril in general and then continued with an in-depth study of each place of Waqaf Jibril found in the Quran. The method used in this research is a method of library research aimed at collecting data based on scientific backgrounds. The findings reveal that Waqaf Jibril generally does not have a clear chain of sanad which allows it to be backed up to the Prophet PBUH unless it is more of personal knowledge. In addition, it is also possible to identify its validity by studying each of the places that Waqaf Jibril claims according to the Qurra' perspective.
Mushaf al-Quran
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