ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This article examines how Islamic legal principles are used in Malaysia to declare talak outside of court. This article's goal is to outline the Islamic legal principles that judges find most persuasive when deciding divorce cases. In order to analyse the role of preferred Islamic legal maxims as an argument in Islamic law and to investigate the position of the writing of judgement in Islam, the notion of divorce was investigated to see preferred Islamic legal maxims as an essential part in the submission of each case. The two main procedures used in this study, data collecting and data analysis, were based on a qualitative approach. In the Malaysian states of Kedah and Kelantan, information was obtained over the course of four months in 2017 through document analysis and interviews. In order to learn more about the use of preferred Islamic legal maxims in judgements and the practise of judgement writing in divorce cases in Malaysia, two academicians and four legal practitioners were interviewed for this study. This study also looked at the position and significance of judgement writing in Islamic law. The content analysis method was used to analyse the data. The respondents' documents were analysed using this technique in order to gather specific data on how to apply the desired Islamic legal maxims in divorce cases. The study's findings imply that when dealing with Shariah cases, decisions and supporting arguments often rely heavily on legal maxims. Al-Qur'an and al-Sunnah must be paralleled by the preferred Islamic legal maxims, which contain the Maqasid al-Shariah values. It is hoped that society may entrust Maqasid al-Shariah with handling divorce cases given the frequency of family issues today. Collaboration between Shariah judges and solicitors’ aids in creating novel elements incorporating both religious and legal considerations. Islamic legal principles will increasingly be used, and this will have a significant impact on institutional and religious courts, particularly Shariah Courts at the national level. The purpose of this application is to clear up any misunderstandings between the parties concerned and the Muslim community as a whole.
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