ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
In the midst of the crisis, local authorities emerged as a beacon of support by seamlessly sharing real-time location data with relief agencies. This transformed chaos into coordinated efforts, expediting the delivery of much-needed aid to those grappling with the disaster's impact. Despite the significant role played by local governments in sharing real-time location data, it is intriguing that limited research has been conducted on the intricacies of location data sharing during humanitarian crisis responses. Consequently, an exploratory case study in the Kedah and Selangor areas utilized a qualitative method to investigate location data sharing relevant to addressing logistics needs during humanitarian disaster response. The central methodology employed was data triangulation, involving interviews with nine research participants grouped into humanitarian agencies and communities. The study suggests that the location of the disaster, alternative routes, and routes to the disaster zone are primary components of location data sharing, crucial for addressing logistics needs and facilitating inter-agency information sharing during flash flood disaster response. In conclusion, these factors are deemed essential in effectively addressing logistics needs.
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