ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
In this era of globalization, the issue of environmental sustainability is no longer taken seriously in our daily lives. Therefore, the world's environmental situation is now very worrying. If this matter is not taken seriously, there will be various threats to human beings in the future. The thing that is at the root of this issue is the human attitude. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) compares the new conceptual framework to ensure the structure arrangement matches correctly. We should detect the problems and factors that lead to the island's environmental sustainability. Hence, this paper is conducted to determine the factors that further affect the island's environmental sustainability. In this study, the researcher focuses on the small island area in Malaysia. This study conducted a qualitative research method by interviewing the respondents via online assessment. Ten (10) respondents were selected for the research. The study will analyze the factors and, at the end of the study, will contribute to the innovation of the island sustainability model to ensure we can overcome these global environmental issues.
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