ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Online distance learning in higher education institutions is experiencing significant growth and is increasingly adopting digital transformation. However, employee acceptance and adoption of these changes present a major challenge. This study investigates the factors influencing employee acceptance of digital transformation in online distance learning institutions. It examines the influence of latent variables, such as effort expectancy, performance expectancy, self-efficacy, and intention, on the acceptance of digital transformation. It also expands on existing theoretical frameworks and provides empirical evidence of their importance. Data was collected from 387 employees using a structured questionnaire, and statistical analysis, including regression and PLS structural equation modelling, was used to assess the relationships between variables. The findings revealed that effort expectancy, performance expectancy, self-efficacy, and intention significantly influenced employee acceptance of digital transformation. The indirect relationship hypotheses are also supported. Several practical implications and strategies such as user-friendly technologies, effective communications, professional development opportunities and involvement in decision-making processes are identified as key strategies to enhance employee acceptance. The study contributes to the existing knowledge of acceptance theories and suggests avenues for future research including exploring additional variables such as culture and contextual factors and conducting longitudinal studies to understand the long-term effects of digital transformation.
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