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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Evaluating the Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Organisational Commitment among Rural Women Health Workers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria

Emmanuel Agwu Arisi-Nwugballa

Open access

The purpose of this paper was to investigate the relationship between work-family conflict and organisational commitment among rural women health workers in Ebonyi State. In doing this, a field survey of 345 working women in 87 government-owned health centres and health posts was conducted. Quantitative data was collected via questionnaire, and analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The results revealed statistically significant negative correlation between time-based family-to-work conflict and organisational commitment, and between strain-based family-to-work conflict and organisational commitment. The results also showed insignificant negative correlation between behaviour-based family-to-work conflict and organisational commitment. The implication of these results is that working women’s organisational commitment does not depend on work-related issues only but also on their family experiences; requiring organisations to introduce more environment-relevant family-friendly policies, and for their spouses to concede greater support (involvement) in women’s domestic obligations. These measures would alleviate working women’s family-to-work conflict and improve their commitment and performances at work.

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