ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
A key performance indicator (KPI) is a measurement type of performance that helps to understand how the institution and, the organization are performing and permits to understand if an institution is directed in the right direction or not. The current paper aims to assess the faculty and staff by using metrics of KPI through analyzing the data collected from Baghdad University/ College of Education – Departments of English. Finally, the paper reveals the faulty direction of Baghdad University in managing the faculty and staff category by loading the staff with more hours without any rewards or even research grants and training abroad. Thus, these reasons affect the learning process and the whole performance of the university. The University of Baghdad would pay more attention to its staff by increasing the number of instructors and employees sending the staff for training and rewarding the productive staff for improving the performance of the university. Baghdad University is one of the ancient universities and it should keep the attention to the global list of universities.
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