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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Discovering Leadership Styles to Address the Talent Retention in IT Sector : A Review of Literature

Luo Yu, Theresa C. F Ho, Poh-Chuin Teo, Shathees Baskaran

Open access

The information technology (IT) industry is increasingly concerned about talent loss, as this issue can seriously affect its market competitiveness and sustainability. It is not easy to address this issue in a dynamic and technology-driven IT environment. An increasing number of leaders have refocused their attention on leadership styles.This article employs a literature review methodology to synthesize and analyse the impact of different leadership style (transformative leadership, servant leadership, democratic leadership, coaching leadership and transactional leadership) on talent retention in the IT industry, and ultimately identifies the leadership styles that are relatively effective in that specific industry. This study initially focuses on discussing and analyzing the common leadership styles in the IT industry and the potential influence of each leadership style on talent retention. These leadership styles have contributed to talent retention by increasing talent job satisfaction and organizational loyalty. The outcomes of this research are anticipated to provide direction and counsel to leaders in the IT sector on their leadership styles, enhancing comprehension of the challenges relating to talent retention, as well as enabling them to effectively address the problems associated with talent retention. What's more, the aim is to bolster the fundamental competitive advantage of IT firms to attain long-term growth.

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(Yu et al., 2024)
Yu, L., Ho, T. C. F., Teo, P.-C., & Baskaran, S. (2024). Discovering Leadership Styles to Address the Talent Retention in IT Sector?: A Review of Literature. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(2), 467–483.