ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This study examines the determinants influencing the intention to adopt Islamic Cooperative Financing among SME customers in Southern Thailand, employing the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as its analytical framework. The investigation focuses on the impact of subjective norms and service quality on shaping intentions. The analysis of subjective norms indicates a significant yet relatively smaller role, with a discernible but limited influence on the intention to adopt. In contrast, the study reveals a positive association between service quality and intention, albeit with a modest effect size. The findings underscore the importance of addressing service quality concerns in the competitive financial landscape, where Islamic cooperatives contend with conventional systems deeply rooted in public preference. The study contributes valuable insights for organizations navigating societal pressures and enhancing service quality to secure and retain customer loyalty in culturally diverse contexts.
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(Akem & Cheumar, 2024)
Examining the Impact of Subjective Norms and Service Quality on the Intention to Adopt Islamic Cooperative Financing in Southern Thailand: A TPB-Based Analysis
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