ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The paper plans to clarify the relationship of e-customer loyalty with social media influencer e-brand, gamification adoption, and perceived humanness, while keeping e-satisfaction and e-trust as mediating variables. This study focus to understand what are the factors that affect customers loyalty when customers are shopping online. This study opted for quantitative study and primary data will be collected randomly in Malaysia to ensure test result is sufficiently to represent research population. Data collection will be conducted online using soft copy questionnaires. This study is limited only to Malaysia due to time and geographical limitation. The paper provides insights about the relationship of e-customer loyalty with social media influencer e-brand, gamification adoption, and perceived humanness, while keeping e-satisfaction and e-trust as mediating variables. This paper considers the effectiveness on e-customer loyalty level after incorporating into business strategy the aforementioned key factors which benefit brand managers who manage customer loyalties, business owners and other researchers pursuing any associated domain knowledge. This paper analyses how the relationships between social media influencer e-brand, gamification adoption, and perceived humanness affecting e-customer loyalty, while keeping e-satisfaction and e-trust as mediating variables.
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