ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
In our contemporary reality, the callers to Allah Almighty are the means of salvation. To them is attributed the merit of conveying the call to Allah to His creation. The research aims to highlight the positive qualities of the callers to Allah Almighty, as outlined in the verses of the Holy Quran. It seeks to elucidate how these qualities can be leveraged in the call to Allah Almighty, activating the role of the callers through a modern and contemporary vision grounded in the Arabic language as the language of the Holy Quran. The research methodology relies on the analytical inductive approach, analyzing the statements presented in the verses of the Holy Quran and deriving meanings that contribute to our research. The research plan is built upon mastering the Arabic language as the language of the Holy Quran, the trustworthiness of the preacher in presenting Islamic and scientific issues to the audience, the positivity of the preacher towards those invited, and finally, effective planning by the preacher for the success of the call. The research concludes that the Arabic language is the origin of contemporary languages, the verses of the Holy Quran came in the Arabic language to affirm its strength and soundness. The callers to Allah play an effective role in revitalizing the call by focusing on learning and teaching Arabic to both Arabic speakers and non-Arabic speakers as much as possible. Proficiency in the Arabic language enhances the credibility and scholarly status of the callers in front of those invited, making them a trusted source for everyone. The callers must adhere to trustworthiness in presenting intellectual and scientific issues, and plan effectively for the success of their call. This is a duty and a necessity for conveying the call to the largest possible audience in our current world.
The Holy Quran
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