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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Factors Determining Customer Satisfaction towards Food Service Delivery Application During Covid-19 Pandemic

Noorsa Riza Johari, Khairil Anuar Bahari, Mohd Zool Fadli Ibrahim, Joesri Mohd Saber, Muhammad Izzat Hakimi Abdul Rahman, Muhammad Shakir Zulkafli

Open access

The food delivery sector is expanding and has excellent potential in Malaysia and worldwide. Food delivery applications (FDAs) have changed how consumers purchase food, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic's mobility limitations. During the pandemic, most food and beverage establishments relied extensively on intelligent technologies to enhance essential online and offline food delivery, facilitating many consumers. In the COVID-19 epidemic, consumers demand that takeaway food be supplied according to government standard procedures, and FDAs have become a popular source for ordering meals. Furthermore, the increasing use of FDAs demands a greater understanding of the complexity of consumer preferences towards devices, particularly during a health crisis. This study aims to investigate the relationship between e-service quality, convenience, and ease of use of food delivery applications and customer satisfaction during a pandemic. A quantitative research design was employed, and the data were collected by conducting an online questionnaire completed by 266 participants. The statistical findings and discussions demonstrate that the ease of use of apps is the most important feature, followed by service quality and convenience, which directly impact customer satisfaction by utilising food service delivery apps during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results allow businesses to establish an effective food delivery app services strategy.

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(Johari et al., 2024)
Johari, N. R., Bahari, K. A., Ibrahim, M. Z. F., Saber, J. M., Rahman, M. I. H. A., & Zulkafli, M. S. (2024). The Factors Determining Customer Satisfaction towards Food Service Delivery Application During Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(2), 223–237.