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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Social Media on Hospitality and Tourism Management Students’ Academic Performance

Putri Huda Zafirah Ridhwan Deepak Anopchand, Mazlina Mahdzar, Arni Abd Gani, Siti Suriawati Isa

Open access

The aim of this study is to examine how social media affects students studying hospitality and tourism management in terms of their academic performance. The study's direction is determined by two objectives, which is exploring the usage and time spent of social media among Hospitality and Tourism Management students and investigating the relationship between social media usage and time spent on Hospitality and Tourism Management academic performance of students. A Google Form was used for submitting surveys to the respondents, and 386 responses were obtained and used for further analysis. Descriptive result of this study reported social media usage frequency is a more significant factor in determining its impact on individuals or society, rather than the amount of time spent on it. Further analysis and interpretation of the regression results could provide more insight into this relationship and the potential implications of these findings. It is proven that social media can be a valuable asset in the learning process when used properly, but it's important for students to be aware of its potential risks and take steps to use it in a responsible and productive manner.

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(Anopchand et al., 2024)
Anopchand, P. H. Z. R. D., Mahdzar, M., Gani, A. A., & Isa, S. S. (2024). The Impact of Social Media on Hospitality and Tourism Management Students’ Academic Performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(1), 266–277.