ISSN: 2222-6990
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In modern society today, reading skills are increasingly important. Thus, any failure in mastering reading skills can limit an individual's potential to grow to an optimal level. The main importance of reading as a basic skill in modern life has prompted many studies to be carried out to implement more effective interventions in tandem with education that has changed dramatically in recent decades under the influence of the development of digital technology and the fourth industrial revolution (IR4.0). In this article, a review of the systematic literature (SLR) was conducted to identify current research on the use of technology in the implementation of reading skills teaching interventions to dyslexic pupils. The main objective of the study was to identify the use and effectiveness of the technologies used in meeting the learning needs of children with dyslexia. Three databases are used, namely Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Of the 318 articles that were screened, 46 relevant articles were accepted for analysis based on the appropriateness of the title and only 21 were included in the study after further screening. The results showed the use of different forms of technology such as audiobooks, text-to-speech (TTS), speech-to-text (STT); digital technologies such as computer software programs, gaming applications; haptic technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR); new technologies such as mulsemedia; robotic technologies in addition to the use of non-digital technologies. Studies have also found that the use of technology has a positive impact on the learning of dyslexic children, especially the mastery of reading skills. Studies have found that technology intergration in education provides a more enjoyable learning experience and increases children's motivation through a learning while playing approach. Therefore, the practice of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) should be enhanced among teachers. In addition, more studies are needed to identify the use of technology in the aspect of the diagnosis and management of dyslexic children in the future. This is because most individuals with disabilities such as dyslexia benefit from additional support that allows them to learn and function on their own.
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(Yaacob et al., 2024)
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