ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Background: In a changing and renewed world in the fields of knowledge and technology, the importance of training becomes clear in developing the capabilities and skills of human resources to be able to keep pace with all of this and improve their performance. Objective: The purpose of this review is to examine the state of strategic training in the past two decades. Research methods: This bibliometric analysis uses the PRISMA program to summarize studies that dealt with strategic training in terms of its foundations and development. Scopus was chosen because it covers a wide area and because of its strong reputation as a resource for analyzing scientific articles. A complete keyword search yielded 16,381 publications in the database. When inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, search results were limited to 2,048 relevant articles. Results: Strategic coaching research has continued to increase with the largest jump after 2019, indicating an increased focus on research. The list of major publications, governments and organizations contributing to this issue shows a global impact. The study focuses on the most prolific authors and search keywords, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of strategic coaching research. Conclusion: Strategic training has become of great importance in human resource development, as evidenced by the increasing number of publications, the diversity of authors, and the focus on many fields, specializations, and keywords. This demonstrates the extent of cooperation and diversity of research in this sector. Recommendations: The research recommends further study to develop strategic training. Understanding the impact of strategic training on human resources development requires expanding the scope of knowledge and establishing clear and reference methodological rules.
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(Al-Lamki et al., 2024)
Al-Lamki, M., Yusof, M. bin, Qatawneh, M., & Abuhassna, H. (2024). A Bibliometric Study on the Role and Evolution of Strategic Training. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 14(2), 679–700.
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