ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study is important as it contributes to the area of ESL academic writing. The methodologu applied is qualitative case study. It explores the use of a supplementary analytical online writing program module known as Dynamic E-IAW (DE-IAW) among ESL tertiary students in learning academic writing. DE-IAW module was developed based on the previous need analysis study conducted on ESL tertiary students from University Teknologi Mara Cawangan Johor as well as the pertinent learning theories and research on writing. Specifically, the study aims to investigate the use of the elements of DE-IAW which are perceived useful by the students in enhancing their writing ability as well as how the program affects the students’ attitude towards writing academic essays in English. The subjects in this study comprised 40 diploma students taking a Part Three ESL language proficiency course at UiTM Johor. They were chosen based on a purposive sampling method whereby they were selected from one intact class or the same group. The subjects were treated with DE-IAW as a supplementary module in learning to write academic essays for six weeks. The data were obtained from the research instruments which include students’ short online reflective journals and a set of questionnaires and were analysed qualitatively using triangulation method. The overall findings indicate a positive result in the use of DE-IAW in enhancing the students’ writing ability. In addition, the subjects also perceived it was able to train them to be critical of their writing and helped to change their negative attitudes towards learning to write to positive ones which saw an increase in their interest towards academic writing. Further research could explore on the use of similar supplementary online writing program for other literary skills such as reading.
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(Ismail et al., 2024)
Ismail, N., Albakri, I. S. M. A., Yoke, S. K., Elias@Alias, S., Singh, D. S. A. R., Abu, R., & Mohd, W. N. H. W. (2024). A Case Study on the Use of Dynamic E-IAW Program Module for Learning ESL Writing. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(5), 451–467.
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