ISSN: 2222-6990
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Principles of Accounting is a core subject offered to the Diploma of Business Management students in vocational colleges, Malaysia. However, they struggle to understand the concept of accounting because each topic is seen as disconnected from one another and this results in poor comprehension of the subject which can lead to a lack of understanding in related future subjects. Therefore, myAccounting is developed to assist students to connect the missing dots by producing the whole set of accounting reports sequentially, quickly, and correctly. This study aims to describe myAccounting and the perception of teachers and students towards using it in their teaching and learning of the subejct. Quantitative data were gathered on the implementation of myAccounting in 47 vocational colleges. The findings showed that myAccounting has assisted students to better understand the foundation of Principles of Accounting, making it easier for them to grasp complex accounting concepts and excel in their upcoming business subjects during their studies. It also helps them recall key accounting vocabulary and report formats which allow them to navigate the world of finance with confidence. As much as teachers are concerned, myAccounting has been found useful as instructional material due to its user-friendly, mobility, and easy accessibility features. It has also reduced teachers’ burden in preparing the accounting format repeatedly, and manually. The use of myAccounting can potentially be further extended with the inclusion of the double-entry system.
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(Oh et al., 2024)
Oh, Z. J., Kamar, M. H., Rahman, M., Ramli, S. K. A., Mohamad, S., & Chin, H. C. (2024). The Perception of Teachers and Students towards Using Myaccounting to Learn Principles of Accounting in Vocational Colleges, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(2), 1154–1167.
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