ISSN: 2222-6990
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Computational thinking skills are no longer unfamiliar in mathematics education. Various activities have been carried out to integrate thinking skills into the teaching and learning of mathematics. However, studies on the implementation of computational thinking activities in mathematics teaching and learning are still lacking in Malaysia, especially at the primary school level. Therefore, this concept paper discusses the implementation activities that can be used by teachers while teaching and learning mathematics. There are three categories of computational thinking activities: plugged-in, unplugged, and a combination of both. This concept paper also discusses the importance of implementing computational thinking activities, which can enhance problem-solving skills, improve mathematical reasoning skills, and increase pupils' motivation in STEM education. The findings of this concept paper can provide guidance and knowledge to educators, especially teachers, in implementing computational thinking activities in mathematics teaching and learning in primary schools. Mathematics teachers can select suitable computational thinking activities based on pupils' proficiency levels and the classroom environment. Further research is required to investigate the impact of implementing computational thinking activities in teaching and learning mathematics.
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