ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The fatwa institution is recognized as an authoritative body and a reference for Muslims in obtaining information related to the determination of current laws that are questioned among the community. There are various fatwas issued in various areas of life such as worship, creed, transactions, family matters, medicine, and even in the fields of science and technology. Today, the presence of the discipline of Maqasid Shariah is seen to play a significant role in providing a basis for arguments in determining laws and issuing fatwas regarding emerging issues. The application of Maqasid Shariah in fatwa issuance must be based on a profound and comprehensive understanding of the disciplines related to legal reasoning and the collection of Shariah texts in determining the benefits derived from the spirit of Shariah, rather than solely on rational considerations. Therefore, this study will focus on the position and application of Maqasid Shariah in determining laws related to current issues by the Department of the State Mufti of Brunei Darussalam to produce a comprehensive fatwa model based on Maqasid Shariah. This study uses document analysis method, namely the Book of Fatwas of the Government of Brunei Darussalam from 2012 to 2022. In addition, interviews with stakeholders were also conducted to obtain current and up-to-date inputs regarding fatwas involving elements of Maqasid Shariah. The study found that the Department of the State Mufti of Brunei is authoritative in setting an example in producing fatwas bound by disciplined fatwa principles and orderly procedures.
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