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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Multifaceted Narrative Perspective Research on the Guangming Daily During Covid-19

Lyu Hao, Nik Norma Nik Hasam

Open access

The COVID-19 epidemic has had a serious impact around the world, and as China is one of the countries most affected by the epidemic, the media has played an important role in the prevention, control and dissemination of the epidemic. As a widely influential newspaper in China, Guangming Daily played an important role in reporting the COVID-19 epidemic. In narratology, stories are told, so the angle of storytelling is essential, and the angle of storytelling is also the reporting perspective. The purpose of this study is to examine the content of Guangming Daily's coverage as a way to understand the perspective of Guangming Daily in COVID-19 outbreak coverage. Using Guangming Daily, COVID-19, public health emergencies and reporting perspectives as keywords, this study searched through the Guangming Daily Academic and Cultural Multimedia Material Library to collect data and explore previous studies. The scope of the study was determined to be from 27 December 2019 to 7 June 2020, based on the white paper "China's Action to Combat the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic," which was released by the Chinese government on 7 June 2020,. The study found that there are different ways of narrative perspectives in Guangming Daily, which are categorised as zero-focused perspective, out-focused perspective, and in-focused perspective. Narrative perspective often means the narrator's point of view and position, and the audience's understanding of the narrative work is also affected by the narrative perspective, and the choice of narrative perspective also determines the narrator's relationship with the story and characters. The purpose of this study is to provide references and lessons for future media response to public health emergencies.

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(Hao & Hasan, 2024)
Hao, L., & Hasan, N. N. N. (2024). A Multifaceted Narrative Perspective Research on the Guangming Daily During Covid-19. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(4), 1677–1690.