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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Digital Transformation on Strategic Performance: The Mediating Role of Innovation at Jordanian Private Universities

Alaa Al Tahrawi, Khaled Mahmoud Al Shawabkeh

Open access

This paper aimed to identify the impact of digital transformation on strategic performance within a turbulent and highly competitive external, especially with the fluctuations due to the technological revolution growing day by day. The researchers also addressed innovation as an intermediate variable in the relationship between digital transformation and strategic performance. The study community consisted of (492 in high and middle management) at (18) Jordanian private universities, the study was based on a quantitative approach using a proportional stratified sample, where a questionnaire consisting of (69) items was developed using the five-item Likert scale to study the three variables. The independent variable is DT with its dimensions (Digital Strategy, Digital Culture, digital leadership, digital capabilities, digital infrastructure), while SP represented the dependent variable with its dimensions (financial perspective, customer perspective, internal operations perspective, growth and learning perspective, sustainable environmental perspective), while INN acted as an intermediate variable. The data was analyzed using the software Smart PLS4 Program structural equation modelling (SmartPLS4). The study found that although digital transformation has a good effect on innovation, innovation mediates the relationship between digital transformation and strategic performance.

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(Tahrawi & Shawabkeh, 2024)
Tahrawi, A. A. Al, & Shawabkeh, K. M. Al. (2024). The Impact of Digital Transformation on Strategic Performance: The Mediating Role of Innovation at Jordanian Private Universities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(5), 527–547.