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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Outcome Expectation towards Career Choices among Secondary School Students’ in Petaling District, Malaysia

Noorhuda Binti Abdul Karim, Nurul Izni Binti Abdul Rahman, Harsherin Kaur

Open access

The Malaysian education system has undergone changes in providing exposure to secondary school students by introducing a series of psychometric tests which can reveal a strong relationship between outcome expectations and students’ perception towards career choices. This psychometric test is conducted to identify the personality and tendency of students' interest in career. This study is conducted to investigate the relationship between outcome expectation, understanding of students and psychometric test towards the career choice consideration among secondary school students. The research group consisted of form three students from four chosen schools in the Petaling District of Malaysia. A total number of 221 secondary school students responded to the questionnaire. The data was collected by using a set of questionnaires distributed and focus group among secondary school in the Petaling District of Malaysia. Reliability analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis are used to analyse data obtained using the Social Sciences Statistical Package (SSPS) Version 22.0 program. The findings indicated significant relationships between outcome expectation, understanding of students and psychometric test towards the career choice consideration among secondary school students which provide a nuanced comprehension to the researchers. This study emphasizes the importance of the role of teachers, counsellors, and parents in providing early exposure to the reality of the career world to secondary school students before they choose the wrong career path.

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(Karim et al., 2024)
Karim, N. B. A., Rahman, N. I. B. A., & Kaur, H. (2024). The Impact of Outcome Expectation towards Career Choices among Secondary School Students’ in Petaling District, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(5), 1489–1507.