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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring Academic Self-efficacy in Piano Practice among Students at Preschool Colleges in China

Jingyi Dong, Norlizah Hassan. C., Aminuddin bin Hassan, Qiudi Xing, Jie Xu, Longfeng Zhu

Open access

Piano Practice is an important course for students who study at preschool colleges in China, and academic self-efficacy is strongly associated with academic performance. Nevertheless, currently, little is studied about the academic self-efficacy of students in this course. The purpose of this study was to explore academic self-efficacy in piano practice among students who study at preschool colleges in China. This study employed a qualitative approach to achieve the purpose. Three students were interviewed via Wechat using words. An interview guideline was created for the purpose of conducting interviews. Data were copied and grouped to identify codings, categories, and themes. The findings illustrated that students optimistically deal with the problems that they encounter when practicing piano, and they have a relatively positive academic self-efficacy, and their academic self-efficacy could be influenced by their practice experience. The current study provides beneficial insights to the academic self-efficacy in piano practice among students. The ?ndings will allow the school, teachers, and students to take action to improve the situation.

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(Dong et al., 2024)
Dong, J., C., N. H., Hassan, A. bin, Xing, Q., Xu, J., & Zhu, L. (2024). Exploring Academic Self-efficacy in Piano Practice among Students at Preschool Colleges in China. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(5), 1219–1230.