ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Language learning strategies are essential in learning a language to enhance language acquisition, optimize learning outcomes, and empower learners with effective tools to navigate and communicate in a new language. Language learning strategy preference refers to the individual's tendency to gravitate towards some strategies that they prefer the most. The main purpose of this research being conducted was to identify the language learning strategies preferred by the students. This study was carried out to a total of 30 respondents from Tamil school background. The method used to collect data was a quantitative research design to study about the cognitive and affective strategies and identify the preferred strategies between cognitive and affective strategies. This study utilized quantitative data and involved descriptive analysis. The results showed that cognitive strategies are more preferred than affective strategies. However, this study highlights the significance of both cognitive and affective strategies in language learning. By striking a balance between these strategies, educators can create comprehensive language learning experiences that cater to students' cognitive and emotional needs. The findings offer valuable guidance for educators to design effective language learning programmes that could optimize language learning outcomes among pupils.
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