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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring Drug Factors and Recovery among Drug Addicts

Nurhikmah Mubarak Ali, Nurhikmah Mubarak Ali, Masyhuri Ahmad, Nor Hernamawarni Abdul Majid, Azreel Azim Abdul Alim, Fauziah Fadzil

Open access

This article explores factors and drug recovery among former drug addicts. This article also tells how the journey of an individual addicted to drugs tries to recover. ' Pak tam ' is the nickname used by the respondent because all his friends know him by that name. He has been involved with drugs since the age of 16 and was expelled from school at that time when he was found to be in a semi-conscious state. He was also expelled from school at the age of 16. This situation led him to a bad life pattern because he started to get ridiculed by his family and society. This study focuses on the factors that have pushed Pak Tam to get stuck in the drug scene and how Pak Tam began to change towards a better and healthier life. These factors can be used to help counselors formulate effective Islamic approach strategies to help this population either at the level of protection, prevention, or recovery.

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