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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Model of Improving College Students' Critical Thinking Ability based on Artificial Intelligence

He Jun, Yao Wenhao, Nasir Ali, Abdul Basit Khan

Open access

With the deep application of artificial intelligence technology in higher education, the teaching methods of higher education are constantly changing. Critical thinking is an important ability for college students. As one of the cores of higher-order thinking ability, critical thinking is of great significance to the training of talents in the 21st century, and its research is of great significance and valuable. This paper aims to explore the improvement mode of critical thinking ability of college students based on artificial intelligence. Firstly, this article analyzes the characteristics of artificial intelligence technology, the components of critical thinking, and the relationship between artificial intelligence technology and critical thinking. Secondly, combined with the needs of college students to improve their critical thinking ability, this article puts forward a model of improving college students' critical thinking ability based on artificial intelligence. Finally, this study presents the future opportunities and challenges of critical thinking training for college students based on artificial intelligence.

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