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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Social Stigma Against Dyslexics: Exploring Public's Knowledge and Belief

Nuramirah Zaini, Sheik Badrul Hisham Jamil Azhar, Mohd Amirul Atan, Nur Aqilah Norwahi, Ahmad Azfar Abdul Hamid, Nurul Asma Mazlan

Open access

Dyslexia is a learning disability that has often been misconstrued as a disease or mental disorder, leading to negative impressions from society. This research aims to investigate the relationship between knowledge and belief on dyslexia with social stigma, as well as to determine the extent to which knowledge and belief on dyslexia significantly influence the public's social stigma. In collecting the data, a seven-point Semantic Differential-based scale questionnaire was used with a total of 174 respondents representing the public in the present research. Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) Approach was utilised involving Measurement Model to test the validity and reliability of the data, Structural Model to investigate the correlation between knowledge and belief on dyslexia and social stigma, as well as Importance-Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA) to find out to what extent the importance and achievement of knowledge and belief about dyslexia influence social stigma. The results of the analysis proved that both the Path Coefficient Test of knowledge and belief were found to significantly affect social stigma with t-value of (4.044) and (3.573) respectively. It has also been discovered that knowledge on dyslexia serves as the most important factor with interest values of (0.305) and performance values of (42.585) outperforming belief about dyslexia by interest values of (0.258) and performance values of (45.177). These findings suggest that exposing more information on dyslexia to the public is crucial to avoid social stigma, as some people are still unfamiliar with dyslexia, which could lead to misconceptions and imprecise approaches in unleashing their capabilities.

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(Zaini et al., 2024)
Zaini, N., Azhar, S. B. H. J., Atan, M. A., Norwahi, N. A., Hamid, A. A. A., & Mazlan, N. A. (2024). Social Stigma Against Dyslexics: Exploring Public’s Knowledge and Belief. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(6), 817–826.