ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Poetry is classified as one of the literary genres and it is regularly read for its length, concision and filled with meaningful denotations. Even though poetry education is regarded as one of the platforms to allow language acquisition, it remains one of the most challenging subjects to comprehend. With technological advancement, learners can grasp poetry efficiently through various resources. However, integrated-technology poetry education is emphasised less due to educators’ lack of digital knowledge. Thus, this systematic literature review examined the suitability of the selected technological tools, besides exploring the advantages and challenges of using these tools in poetry education. Based on the 3 databases (Google Scholar, ScienceDirect and ERIC), 300 articles are identified and further selected based on the year of publication (2019-2023), searching based on keywords (e.g. “poetry”, “ESL classroom” and “technology”). In the second stage, 220 articles were discarded due to their use of other languages besides English. The remaining 80 articles underwent 2 cycles of analysing and screening, which resulted in the selection of 10 articles, which were then analysed using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) technique. Findings indicated application software benefits poetry education, encouraging learners’ engagement, and cultural and character-building whereas the challenges are lack of infrastructure and educators’ digital literacy. This systematic review serves as a potential resource to assist academics and educators in identifying the best tools that integrate ICT in poetry education, besides providing its advantages and challenges to ensure the efficiency of poetry learning towards motivating English proficiency.
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