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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Corporate Social Responsibility as a Predictor of Employee Green Behavior: The Mediating Role of Green Psychological Capital and Green Mindfulness

Abdul Mutalib Mohamed Azim, Yusuf Syauqi Abdul Mutalib

Open access

Drawing from social information processing theory, positive psychology theory, and the theory of resource conservation, this study endeavors to investigate the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on employee green behavior, with a focus on the mediating roles of green psychological capital (PsyCap) and green mindfulness. Specifically, employing PLS-SEM analysis, data from 151 employees were analyzed. The findings reveal that CSR, green PsyCap, and green mindfulness positively influence employee green behavior. Moreover, the analysis indicates that green PsyCap and green mindfulness also positively impact employee green behavior. Additionally, mediation analysis demonstrates that green PsyCap and green mindfulness mediate the relationship between CSR and employee green behavior. It is suggested that organizations prioritize efforts to promote CSR to foster the development of employee green behavior. Furthermore, CSR initiatives can effectively enhance employees' green PsyCap and elevate their green mindfulness, thereby facilitating employee engagement in green behavior.

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(Azim & Mutalib, 2024)
Azim, A. M. M., & Mutalib, Y. S. A. (2024). Corporate Social Responsibility as a Predictor of Employee Green Behavior: The Mediating Role of Green Psychological Capital and Green Mindfulness. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(7), 1177–1192.