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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Framework for Establishing Homes for the Poor Through the Combination of Zakat, Wakaf and Baitulmal Funds in Malaysia

Mohd Rilizam bin Rosli, Mohd Ali bin Muhamad Don, Mohd Shukri bin Mohd Senin, Mohd Farhan bin Ahmad, Muhammad Abdul Hakim Bin Mohd Faidzullah

Open access

The most important thing in a family's life is a cozy home. Asnaf and B40 group ownership of residential properties has grown to be a serious problem that needs the attention of the authorities. This is because only roughly 76.9 percent of Malaysians, according to data from the Department of Statistics Malaysia 2023, own their own homes. Lack of housing can lead to several detrimental outcomes, including but not limited to: social exclusion, mental illness, family disintegration, homelessness, and unstable income. To provide housing for the underprivileged in Malaysia, this study will determine how zakat, waqf, and baitulmal work together. The state Islamic Religious Council will implement the house development model this study suggests, which is based zatakt, waqf, and Baitulmal funds. Semistructured interview tools, observation techniques, and document review will be used in a qualitative study to gather comprehensive data. By combining zakat, waqf, and baitulmal funds, this study is anticipated to produce an asnaf housing model. This may inadvertently support government initiatives to end poverty and provide impoverished people with housing to fulfill the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG). To restore the glory of the Baitulmal Institution—a goal of the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 (SPV 2030)—the State Islamic Religious Council may also utilize this development model as a guide when managing Muslim property.

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(Rosli et al., 2024)
Rosli, M. R. bin, Don, M. A. bin M., Senin, M. S. bin M., Ahmad, M. F. bin, & Faidzullah, M. A. H. B. M. (2024). Framework for Establishing Homes for the Poor Through the Combination of Zakat, Wakaf and Baitulmal Funds in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(7), 1482–1487.