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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Influence of Leadership Styles on Employee Performance in Financial Institution in Klang Valley

Shafi Mohamad, Nurmunirah Azami, Lee Piok Yan, Nur Liyana Izzati Noor Azeli, Nur Hawa Nor Amiruddin

Open access

This study investigates the impact of different leadership styles on employee performance within financial institution in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Utilizing the Full Range Leadership Model (FRLM), the research focuses on three key leadership styles: transactional, transformational, and laissez-faire. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire distributed to 380 employees, selected based on Krejcie and Morgan's sampling criteria, ensuring a representative sample from financial institution in Klang Valley workforce. The study employs quantitative methods, including Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression analysis, to examine the relationship between leadership styles and employee performance. The findings reveal that both transformational and transactional leadership styles significantly enhance employee performance, while laissez-faire leadership shows a less pronounced, yet still positive, effect. These insights underscore the necessity for adaptive leadership approaches tailored to specific organizational contexts to foster a productive and motivated workforce. This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by highlighting the pivotal role of effective leadership in driving organizational success in the competitive banking sector.

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(Mohamad et al., 2024)
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