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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Analysis of Narrative Strategies in the Biographical Film “The Grandmaster” from the Perspective of Social Identity Theory

Li Yang, Hushinaidi Hamid

Open access

This paper analyzes the narrative strategies of the biographical film “The Grandmaster” from the perspective of social identity theory, exploring the dynamic transformation of identity and social identity among characters like Ip Man. Using Turner's self-categorization theory, the study reveals how the film employs multiple perspectives, non-linear narrative, and complex group relations to depict characters' self-categorization and identity processes in different contexts. The findings indicate that “The Grandmaster” not only skillfully portrays Ip Man's multiple identities through its sophisticated narrative techniques but also highlights the tension between cultural heritage and personal growth. This research aims to provide a new theoretical framework for the study of narrative in biographical films and to deepen the understanding of social identity in cultural texts.

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(Yang & Hamid, 2024)
Yang, L., & Hamid, H. (2024). Analysis of Narrative Strategies in the Biographical Film “The Grandmaster” from the Perspective of Social Identity Theory. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(7), 686–695.