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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Development of Augmented Reality Module in Teaching Internet of Things (IoT) at TVET Institutions: A Needs Analysis

Farah Waheda Othman, Irdayanti Mat Nashir, Mohd Hamizan Jafini

Open access

The Introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) course in the third semester of the Certificate in Information Technology program at Community College presents unique challenges. Students need visualization skills and creative thinking to understand microcontroller concepts, describe installation processes, and write program code. Effective teaching aids are crucial for learning electronics, including circuit design, simulation, microcontroller connections, programming, and testing. However, the syllabus does not adequately address the visualization skills needed for understanding microcontrollers. This study focuses on developing an Augmented Reality (AR) module to address these issues. Using a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with three experienced instructors, including a curriculum developer with expertise in information technology and electronics. The interviews transcribed and analyzed using ATLAS.ti software revealed unanimous agreement on the need for teaching aids, particularly for microcontrollers and electronic components design. The respondents advocated for a digital learning platform, with an AR module as the proposed solution. The findings highlight the urgency and efficacy of developing an AR module for teaching the IoT course. This solution aims to bridge gaps in the educational system, enhancing student understanding and engagement, with implications for lecturers, researchers, and the Ministry of Higher Education.

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(Othman et al., 2024)
Othman, F. W., Nashir, I. M., & Jafini, M. H. (2024). Development of Augmented Reality Module in Teaching Internet of Things (IoT) at TVET Institutions: A Needs Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(7), 747–756.